by György, Zoltán
contact: gyorgy_at_zoo.zoo.nhmus.hu

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This is a simple list of Discolomidae types housed in the Hungarian Natural History Museum, without  literature references. The real status of the types was not studied, but it is almost certain that most of the Reitter's and other’s "holotypes" and "paratypes" are actually syntypes.

HT = holotype, PT = paratype, LT = lectotype, PLT = paralectotype,
MT = "monotype" AT = allotype, CT = cotype

Aphanocephalus ashanticus John, XXXX: 1HT, 5PT
Aphanocephalus biroi John, XXXX: 1HT
Aphanocephalus bisbimaculatus John, XXXX: 1HT
Aphanocephalus dilitus John, XXXX: 1HT, 2PT
Aphanocephalus fulgens John, XXXX: 1HT, 1AT, 1PT
Aphanocephalus infuscatus John, XXXX: 1HT, 4PT
Aphanocephalus kaszabi John, XXXX: 1HT
Aphanocephalus klapperichi John, XXXX: 1PT
Aphanocephalus laenus John, XXXX: 1HT
Aphanocephalus lenczyi John, XXXX: 1HT, 1AT
Aphanocephalus pocsi John, XXXX: 1HT, 1AT
Aphanocephalus tetrasignatus John, XXXX: 1HT
Aphanocephalus thysvilleus John, XXXX: 1HT, 1PT
Aphanocephalus tonkinensis John, XXXX: 1PT
Aphanocephalus turbidus John, XXXX: 6PT
Cassidoloma baloghii John, XXXX: 1HT, 1AT, 1PT
Discogenia ashantica John, XXXX: 1HT, 1PT
Discogenia endrodyi John, XXXX: 1HT
Discogenia minutus John, XXXX: 1HT
Discoloma bobirimus John, XXXX: 1HT, 11PT
Discoloma stroessneri John, XXXX: 1HT
Holophygus saetosus John, XXXX: 1HT, 1PT
Microloma inflatum John, XXXX: 1HT
Notiophygus griseus John, XXXX: 1PT
Notiophygus leleupi John, XXXX: 1PT
Notiophygus paracanus John, XXXX: 1PT
Notiophygus spurcus John, XXXX: 6PT
Paramaschema acuticlava John, XXXX: 1HT, 1AT, 16PT
Paramaschema wauanus John, XXXX: 1HT
Propalticus wainganus John, XXXX: 1HT

Copyright © 2009. Hungarian Natural History Museum, Department of Zoology, Coleoptera Collection