Our plane landed around 3 a.m. at the
airport of Damascus. We rented a car, packed in and set off for our
first destination, Bloudan that could be reached in one and a half
hours. We arrived just after the sun had risen. Although we had been
awake all night, we just had a quick snack, changed clothes and set to
work at once.
first longhorn beetle Attila found was Phytoecia kabateki that has only
been known to science for fourteen years. The ca. 1 cm long beetles
were found on blooming Ferula hermonis. We managed to observe a dozen
of them while they were feeding and mating.
There were some enormous darkling beetles crawling around on the rocky
ground (
A jewel beetle (
It was not an easy task to find a place on the rocky surface to put up
our tents.
This longhorn beetle was attracted by the UV light trap. Some friends
of mine have also caught some specimens of this Neoplocaederus species
here in the past few years. This beetle species new to science was
described by Attila and Dr. Gianfranco Sama, who named it
Neoplocaederus laszlokotani after
Attila’s father.
Walking around almost 2000 meters high in the bright sun and clean air.
A common Stellion (
A source of drinking water near an irrigation canal supplying a nearby
fruit plantation.
(photo: N. Rahmé Nikola)
Just like a phalanstère.
(photo: E. Mizsei)
After a day in Bloudan we set off for our next destination, the desert
in the East.
We drove across the desert sometimes
reaching 160km/h. The intense heat was intolerable even with windows
rolled down. Moreover, we could hardly stand the constantly blowing and
burning desert wind carrying grains of sand. We made a brief halt in a
small cafe in the middle of nowhere.
A huge jewel beetle walking in the parking lot
(Julodis syriaca
We ended up in Palmyra at last. We
found accommodation in an oasis outside the city
and spent the next two days there thanks to the kind invitation of the
owner of the land.
Looking for beetles in the sultry sun.
(photo: N. Rahmé)
(photo: A. Kotán )
This lovely jewel
beetle (Sphenoptera scovitzi) lives on mimosa
(photo: N. Rahmé)
Light traps attracted a surprising amount of beetles. We spent all the
night wandering back
and forth between two light traps placed distant from one another, and
gathering the tiny beetles.
A small click beetle species,
The click beetle
Drasterius bimaculatus, also
living in Hungary.
A darkling beetle resembling the fruit of elm (
Cossyphus tauricus).
Another darkling beetle
Specimens of Scarites sp. were on the lookout for prey on the dunes at
night: Scarites
These two darkling beetles were crawling on the sand at night:
Scaurus puncticollis.


A click beetle also attracted to light Aeoloides grisescen.

Next day we were wandering in the desert for some hours.

There are some ancient pistachio trees an hour drive from Palmyra, in
the middle of nowhere.

(photo: A. Kotán)

Water reservoir with stench in the air.

A horse agonizing in the bushes on the coast.

A tiny darkling beetle from under a rock (Adelostoma sulcatum).

The ruins of Palmyra bear witness to the civilisation that once
flourished there.


(photo: N. Rahmé)

Fed up with the desert, we started to make our way eastward to the city
of Deir Ez Zor on the Euphrates River.

We camped on an empty plot just next to the road outside the city.
(photo: N. Rahmé )

As the Euphrates was close, we could get rid of the dust gained through
the travel.

Tiny mullets were pinching our feet in the fast flowing, shallow river.

At dusk larger eel-like fish appeared and showed off on the gravel
After some clumsy trial we managed to catch one (photo: N. Rahmé)

The makeshift pool helped us take photos of the spiny eel (Mastacembelus mastacembelus).

Next day, we walked the streets in the sultry heat to chase jewel
beetles (Psiloptera argentata)
flying around trees and shrubs.

The jewel beetle Chalcophorella
bagdadensis, 4cm in length, develops in poplar trees of the

In the evening, some gentle sounds of
movement in the leaf litter drew our attention to some female longhorn
beetles (Prionus coriarius)
harassed by horny males. The giant females swollen with eggs are
usually sitting around right under the trees, while the smaller males
with flabellate antennae are running and flittering around in search of

It was such a delight for Attila to find lots of specimens of Prionus lefebvrei.

Darkling beetles (Akis trilineata)
were also found at night.


On a recently burned beach there were several species of jewel beetles
on poplar logs still smoking.

The most interesting one of them was Melanophila cuspidata that turned
out to be new
even to our jewel beetle-expert friend, Nikola.

At night a long-eared hedgehog (Hemiechinus
auritus) presented itself by our light.

Although I’m not a bird photographer, I managed to record this
blue-cheeked bee-eater (Merops

Next evening we set up camp next to a small islamic shrine near the
Turkish border, knee-high in litter.

This common chameleon (Chamaeleon
chamaeleon) was caught at night while it was sleeping.

Nearby was a foul-smelling little creek. There were different jewel
beetles species flittering around the elm trees growing on the creek
bank. They could easily be caught with a long-handled sweep net.



Metallic green and blue jewel beetles (Polyctesis
rhois) were flittering around in the thick grove of sumac.

Six Capnodis species were caught on trees and herbs during the trip,
including this Capnodis porosa.

We made our way to the sea along the northern border of the country.

Algerian orange-tailed skink (Eumeces

Galbella felix –
An odd shaped jewel beetle.

This click-beetle was attracted by the UV light trap. This beetle
species new to science was
described by Giuseppe Platia and me, who named it Agriotes rahmei, after my friend
Nikola Rahmé.

Melanotus sp.

At last we reached the sea at the Turkish border and had the chance to
get rid of the dirt.

(photo: N. Rahmé Nikola)

We spent the night in an abandoned stone quarry.

Jewel beetles and longhorns were sitting on the yellow flowers in the
evening: Anthaxia

rufus syriacus.

We were lucky enough to catch some more interesting species. Showy
click beetles were sheltered in the flowers of thistles growing on
seashores Cardiophorus

Metallic longhorn beetles were flittering around the plants on the
shore: Helladia millefolii.

Women in swimming suit.

Trichofeus kotschyi emerged
from branches, collected by Attila.

It was certainly worthwhile to look at some woodpiles in the
neighbourhood of Kasab.

Giant net-winged beetle (Lycostomus sp.)

The darkling beetle Menephilus
cylindricus found under bark.

This click beetle (Lacon punctatus)
was also found under bark.

The jewel beetle Buprestis dalmatinus.

A huge click beetle Calais

...and its larva.

While looking around in the neighbouring forests we found a plant on
a unique species of longhorn beetles feed. .

speciosa, a male...

...and a female Pygoptosia

Descending into a valley carved by water we could find damper habitats.


The darkling beetle Raiboscelis

Specimens of the longhorn beetle
Niphona picticornis were knocked down from dry twigs.


We stopped then not far from Slunfeh, where, sweltering in the desert
heat for hours,
we were sweeping the oak shrubs hoping for beetles.

Sweeping the shaded side of the trees resulted in a considerable amount
of beetles, for example this click beetle (Cardiophorus kindermanni).

Sizeable jewel beetles (Perotis
chlorana) were flying around above the oak bushes in the
sweltering heat

Protaetia speciosa jousselini
resembling a gemstone.

Longhorn beetles (Plagionotus
bobelayei) were seen on the flower buds of tree-mallows growing
up to 3m tall.

Another click beetle (Cardiophorus
vestigialis) on the shrub oak.

The longhorn beetle Saperda quercus
ocellata was a real find.

Both Edvárd and Nikola were keen on capturing and taking photos
of a Levant viper (Macrovipera
lebetina) . After a long search we finally found the hiding
place of a sizeable male, and together we managed to catch it.

Photographing was followed by thorough data recording.
We measured length and weight, counted the scales and drawn DNA
samples, which took a little time.

Another snake species, the harmless large whip snake (Dolichophis jugularis).


Bee beetle, Trichodes

The flower chafer Cetonia delagrangei.

(photo: A. Kotán)

(photo: A. Kotán)

In the closed and damp forest of Slunfeh we finally had the opportunity
to pull apart rotten logs
and sift the wood mould to see what we found.

This Ampedus phoenicium was found on
a rotten log.


(photo: N. Rahmé)

The next destination was the castle of Salah Addin. There are enormous
oaks providing habitat for many beetles.

Huge specimens of the longhorn beetle Cerambyx
welensii were running around on the oak trees at night.
Larger males may reach more than 6cm in length

Taking a decaying log apart you can find many different larval tunnels.

A rare jewel beetle, Latipalpis plana
develops on kermes oak (Quercus


Following the trails of longhorn beetles in the hardwood, we were
expecting to find some larvae. To our surprise there were no longhorn
larvae present in the pupal chamber but, as their predators, click
beetle (Tetrigus cyprius)
larvae and pupae ready to metamorphose. Adult specimens of this click
beetle can reach a length of 5 cm. (photo: N. Rahmé)

(photo: N. Rahmé)

(photo: N. Rahmé)

Weeks later beetles emerged from the pupae.

Females are much bigger, than males.

After dark, while wandering among the ruins with flashlights, many
beetles were found on the oak trees.
Straight-snouted weevil (Amorphocephala

Powderpost beetle Lichenophanes

Dastarcus libanicus.

Male of a darkling beetle Cryphaeus

The darkling beetle Metaclisa

Next evening the tents were put up in an ash grove. We spent the night
looking for beetles with flashlight in the gale.

A pair of this click beetle was found: Pittonotus

Specimens of Prionus lefebvrei
were caught at the roots of some old ash trees.

A female Levant green lizard Lacerta

(photo: N.Rahmé)

We spent the last night at the fortress of Krak des Chevaliers. We
stayed there for a while to pull ourselves together.

We couldn’t help looking around in the neighbourhood of the
one-star hotel, and a specimen of Julodis
andreae was found..

Our plane took off at 4 a.m., so we had some time left to explore the

Under the pretext of purchasing souvenirs we visited the bazaar shops
where we were faced by such exciting things like modest bras and pants..

We spent 14 days and travelled some
3000kms in Syria. We have been to deserts, mountainous conifer forests,
rocky seashores and on the banks of mighty rivers. However, travelling
so much was sometimes extremely exhausting and we had to work really
hard to get results. More than 3000 beetles were collected, the bulk of
which is to be deposited in the Coleoptera Collection of the Hungarian
Natural History Museum. Local people were all very kind and hospitable,
either in a crowded city or in a sparsely populated seminatural
habitat. We were offered tea wherever we stayed. Their natural
curiosity, that was never intrusive, really impressed us. Sometimes we
had some trouble with the official bodies. Fortunately, Nikola speaking
fluent Arabic could help us out. His Arabic was essential during the
whole trip anyway.
This was the first time I have been to Syria and it was by far the
greatest experience I have ever had. Thank you, Syria!