O. & Mertlik J. 2005: Distributional notes and a
checklist of
click beetles (Coleoptera: Elateridae) from Hungary.
– Folia
entomologica hungarica 66:
First records of Ampedus hjorti (RYE,
1905), Ampedus quercicola (BUYSSON, 1887), Athous apfelbecki REITTER,
1905, Athous zebei BACH, 1854, Brachygonus ruficeps (MULSANT et
GUILLEBEAU, 1855), Cidnopus platiaiMERTLIK, 1996, Cidnopus ruzenae
(LAIBNER, 1977), Ectinus aterrimus (LINNAEUS, 1761), Limoniscus
violaceus (P. W. J. MÜLLER, 1821), Megapenthes lugens
(REDTENBACHER, 1842), Oedostethus quadripustulatus (FABRICIUS, 1792),
Reitterelater bouyoni (CHASSAIN, 1992), Reitterelater dubius PLATIA et
CATE, 1990, Zorochros flavipes (AUBÉ, 1850), Zorochros
meridionalis (LAPORTE DE CASTELNAU, 1840) and Zorochros stibicki
LESEIGNEUR, 1970 for the fauna of Hungary are given. Twelve species are
deleted from the Hungarian faunal list. A checklist of the Elateridae
of Hungary (131 species) is presented.
Merkl O. 2006: New beetle
species in the Hungarian fauna
– Folia entomologica
hungarica 67: 19-36
Eighty-nine species of Coleoptera belonging to 26 families are
recorded from Hungary for the first time.

Merkl O. &
Németh T.
2008: Notes on and further new species of the beetles in the Hungarian
fauna (Coleoptera).
– Folia entomologica hungarica 69: 165–172
Twenty-two species of
Coleoptera belonging to nine families are
recorded from Hungary for the first time. Lectotype is designated for
Astenus laticeps MERKL, 1991.

T. & Merkl O. 2009: Rare saproxylic click beetles in Hungary:
distributional records and notes on life history (Coleoptera:
– Folia
entomologica hungarica 70:
Locality data of 30 rare
species of Hungarian Elateridae are presented, with notes on their life
history. Localities are depicted on UTM grid maps. Lacon lepidopterus
(PANZER, 1801) is recorded from Hungary for the first time. With 60
T., Merkl O. & Kovács T. 2009: A
Mátra Múzeum
bogárgyûjteménye (Coleoptera:
– Folia Historico
Naturalia Musei Matraensis 33: 157-168.
(Beetle collection of the Mátra Museum,
Gyöngyös, Hungary. Click beetles (Coleoptera:
Elateridae).) A list of 63 elaterid species housed in the
Mátra Museum (Gyöngyös) is given
with locality data. A key for identification of the species of the
tribe Ampedini known to occur in Hungary is
given in Hungarian.

Merkl O.,
Németh T., György Z., Podlussány A., Szelenczey B.
& Vig K. 2010: Further new species of the beetles in the
fauna (Coleoptera).
– Folia entomologica hungarica 69: 165–172
Fourteen species of Coleoptera belonging to seven families are
recorded from
Hungary for the first time. With 9 figures.

Giuseppe Platia & Tamás Németh 2011: On some
Palaearctic click beetles deposited in the Hungarian Natural History
Museum (Coleoptera: Elateridae).
– Annales historico-naturales musei nationalis hungarici 103: 65–105
Twenty-two new species of Elateridae are described.
Agriotes danieli sp. n. (Iran), Agriotes laszlopappi sp. n.
(Afghanistan), Agriotes podlussanyi sp. n. (Turkey), Agriotes rahmei
sp. n. (Syria), Agriotes silvanensis sp. n. (Turkey), Agriotes
szekelykalmani sp. n. (Turkey), Ampedus ottomerkli sp. n. (Portugal),
Athous (Haplathous) evae sp. n. (Spain), Athous (Haplathous) ilniczkyi
sp. n. (Georgia: Abkhazia), Athous (Haplathous) korsosi sp. n. (Russia:
Daghestan), Athous (Orthathous) abkhazianus sp. n. (Georgia: Abkhazia),
Athous (Orthathous) fodorjenoi sp. n. (Macedonia), Athous (Orthathous)
hercegovinensis sp. n. (Bosnia-Herzegovina), Athous (Orthathous)
jakupicicola sp. n. (Macedonia), Athous (Orthathous) podlussanyi sp. n.
(Turkey), Athous (Orthathous) slavonicus sp. n. (Croatia), Denticollis
suzannae sp. n. (Bulgaria),Lacon nadaii sp. n. (Iran), Melanotus
(Spheniscosomus) kangwonensis sp. n. (South Korea),Mulsanteus istvani
sp. n. (Iran), Pittonotus iranicus sp. n. (Iran), Poemnites
katalinbodorae sp. n. (South Korea). New distributional data for species
of the genera Agriotes, Ampedus, Athous, Cidnopus, Dalopius,
Denticollis, Idotarmonoides, Lacon, Megathous, Melanotus, Plastocerus
and Tetrigus are given. The female of Dalopius apterus PLATIA et
GUDENZI, 2006 unknown at the time of its description, is figured.
With 102 figures.

N. Gouix, J. Mertlik, A.
Jarzabek-Müller, T. Németh and H. Brustel 2012: Known status of the endangered western
Palaearctic violet click beetle (Limoniscus
violaceus) (Coleoptera) -
Journal of Natural History Vol. 46: 769–802
The monitoring of many threatened saproxylic species is still
challenging. As a result, knowledge of their ecology and distribution
is often patchy, even for species that are crucial for environmental
policies, such as Natura 2000 species. Here we compiled 436 data
entries on the occurrence of one of these species, the Western
Palaearctic violet click beetle Limoniscus violaceus. The beetle is
currently listed in 58 Sites of Community Importance (SCI) of the
Natura 2000 network, covering an area of 3859 km2. We conclude that 15
of these SCIs have no proven evidence of the presence of L. violaceus.
However, the species has been recorded in 16 new SCIs. The beetle was
associated with basal hollow trees in 187 localities from 17 countries.
We also provide an overview of the current knowledge about the species
and comment on its distribution in each country.

Kovács T. & Németh
T. 2012: Ritka szaproxilofág álpattanóbogarak, pattanóbogarak és
lárváik a Mátra és a Bükk
(Coleoptera: Cerophytidae, Elateridae) – Folia Historico
Naturalia Musei Matraensis 36:
(Rare saproxylic species of Cerophytidae and Elateridae and their
larvae from the Mátra and Bükk Mountains (Coleoptera)) New
records of Cerophytum elateroides and eight click beetle species (Crepidophorus mutilatus, Elater ferrugineus, Hypoganus inunctus, Ischnodes sanguinicollis, Lacon querceus, Limoniscus violaceus,
Megapenthes lugens, Pseudanostirus globicollis) are given from
the Mátra and Bükk Mountains, Hungary. Crepidophorus mutilatus is recorded
from Hungary for the second time, preceded by a 70 years old specimen
from Kõszeg (Western Hungary).
Limoniscus violaceus and Megapenthes
lugens are new to the Bükk Mountains. Host plants, rare
beetle collected along with these species and biological observations
are summarised. Images of the larvae are presented.

Kovács Tibor, Magos
Gábor & Urbán László 2012: Ritka
és természetvédelmi szempontból
jelentõs bogarak(Coleoptera) a Mátra és a
Bükk területérõl – Folia
Naturalia Musei Matraensis 36:
(Rare and protected beetles (Coleoptera) in the area of the
Mátra and the Bükk) This paper provides locality data of 66
beetle species from the Mátra and Bükk Mountains. Of them,
six species are of community interest listed in the Habitats Directive (Rhysodes sulcatus, Lucanus cervus,
Osmoderma eremita, Cucujus cinnaberinus, Cerambyx cerdo, Rosalia alpina);
two species (O. eremita, Eurythyrea
quercus) is strictly protected and 39 species are protected in
Hungary. Species interesting from faunistical point of view: Rhysodes sulcatus, Osmoderma eremita,
Isoriphis marmottani, Dictyoptera aurora, Melandrya barbata, Zilora
obscura, Cerambyx welensii, Necydalis ulmi, Purpuricenus globulicollis.
The following species are new to the Mátra Mountains: Ctenicera virens, Anastrangalia dubia,
Purpuricenus globulicollis and the Bükk Mountains: Eurythyrea quercus, Ampedus nigerrimus,
Cerambyx welensii.